How to reduce white noise on mic

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Set this control to the lowest value that achieves effective noise removal without the introduction of artifacts. Lower values may result in the appearance of artifacts in the noise-reduced audio.

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Greater sensitivity means that more noise will be removed, possibly at the expense of removing some of the desired signal as well. Sensitivity: Controls how much of the audio will be considered as noise, on a scale of 0 (off) to 24 (maximum).Higher values than necessary may make the noise even quieter, but will result in damage to the audio that remains. Use the lowest value that reduces the noise to an acceptable level. Noise Reduction (dB): Controls the amount of volume reduction to be applied to the identified noise.Listening to the Residue (the sound that will be filtered out when you apply 'Reduce') can also be useful in determining how much damage is being done to the desired (non-noise) sound. This is often best done by trial and error, adjusting the sliders and using the Preview button to listen to a few seconds of audio after noise reduction.

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